Age 3 - 6
The three-year cycle is a fundamental element of Montessori education. The children begin our Primary Program at three years old and finish at Kindergarten. The younger children learn from older children and the older children are their role models and classroom leaders. They work independently and in groups with specially designed learning materials, deeply engaged in their work and respectful of themselves and their environment.
After a structured morning, children in our Primary Program enjoy lunch, advanced academic activities, cultural explorations, and creative play that foster leadership and enhanced social skills.
Daily Schedule
Single Session
8:45 am - 11:30 am
Extended Day
8:45 am - 2:45 am
Areas of Focus
Practical Life
Practical Life is the keystone of the Montessori Method and is the building blocks for all other areas: Sensorial, Math, Language and Cultural. It consists of simple daily activities using objects and tools which are familiar to them. Children practice building their attention span by engaging in the work, which they have chosen for themselves. The purpose of Practical Life is to provide both physical and developmental skills; coordination, concentration, independence, order, and fine and gross motor skills.
“The hand is the instrument of the mind”
Maria Montessori believed that children take in information through their senses.The sensorial materials offer a multi-sensory approach to learning, encouraging a child to use all senses for learning. The Sensorial materials enable a child to internalize such concepts as size, shape, color, sound, similarities, and differences. These skills provide a basis for future activities in math, music, and language.
The five senses explored in the Sensorial Area are:
The Montessori environment supports the sensitive period of language through the use of not only the Language materials, but also the materials in Practical Life, Sensorial, and Cultural areas. The lessons are presented for oral/auditory language, writing, and reading development.
We begin our language education with oral and auditory activities.
We practice phonic reading starting with initial sounds.
We engage children in active, pleasant conversations and build a strong vocabulary.
The three stages of language development that Maria Montessori identified are:
Stage 1
Pre-reading and
Visual perception
Sensorial writing
Stage 2
Developmental Reading and Writing
Reading program
Introduction to Grammar
Stage 3
Reading and
Writing as a Tool
Fact finding
Grammar and word study
Formal writing
The Mathematics curriculum area allows children to begin the journey from concrete to abstract mathematical explorations.
The materials allow children to learn three primary areas:
Place Value
In the Montessori environment, Cultural awareness is important to establish a child’s sense of place within the world. Cultural development enables the child to unite and bring the world into the classroom.
Enrichment Activities
The program is presented in a teacher-guided, curriculum-based learning experience, such as the auditory music practice and play using various instruments.
The activities such as walking on the bucket stills, hopping on a bounce foam,carrying a gallon of water on a line etc. are available any time in the classroom. Outside, they enjoy running, searching nature, throwing balls, sandbox etc.
Art is a part of everyday routine at Little Crane. Our children are encouraged to explore the many art materials such as watercolors, color pencils, crayons, pastels, chalk, and found materials from nature outside. Our organic approach encourages children’s spirit of exploration. We focus on the process and not the product. Every other month, we focus on an artist. Children create their own art and also some class materials and activities are related to the focused artist.
Children play during the lunch recess and also after school in a teacher-guided way.
The Kindergarten Year
The Kindergarten year is the culmination of the primary experience. They further develop their academic, social and physical skills. The program follows a teacher-guided curriculum and focuses on the needs of the kindergarten children.
Extended Day Program
The Primary Program is tailored for older children within our age range who are ready for more structured academic challenges.
Primary Extended Day focuses on:
Advanced Academic Activities
Leadership Skills
Cultural Explorations
Enhanced Social Interactions
Primary Program FAQs
The Primary Program is designed for children aged 3 to 6 years old.
The Primary Program runs from 8:45 AM to 11:30 AM for the single session, and 8:45 AM to 2:45 PM for the Extended Day Program.
The Primary Program focuses on Practical Life, Sensorial Exploration, Language, Mathematics, and Cultural development.
The three-year cycle is a key component of Montessori education, where children start at three years old and finish at Kindergarten. Younger children learn from older ones, while the older children develop leadership skills.
The Primary Extended Day Program offers additional academic activities, cultural explorations, and creative play to enhance leadership and social skills for older children.